Salient Features of NFSA

Salient Features of NFSA


  • Public Distribution System (PDS) is now governed by provisions of the National Food Security Act, 2013 (NFSA).
  • Coverage under PDS is de-linked from the erstwhile 'poverty estimates'.
  • The Act provides coverage for nearly 2/3rd of the country's total population, basis Census 2011 population estimates.
  • 75% of Rural and 50% of Urban population is entitled to receive highly subsidised foodgrains under two categories of beneficiaries – Antodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) households and Priority Households (PHH).
  • State/UT-wise coverage is determined by the erstwhile Planning Commission (now NITI Ayog) on the basis of 2011-12 Household Consumption Expenditure survey of NSSO.
  • The Act entitles 35 kg of foodgrains per AAY Household per month, whereas 5 Kg of foodgrain per PHH Person per month.
  • Identification of beneficiaries/households under NFSA is done by respective State/UT Government, which is required to frame its own criteria.
  • Highly subsidised Central Issue Prices of Re.1, Rs.2 and Rs.3 for Coarse-grains, Wheat and Rice respectively, kept unchanged till June 2019.
  • No reduction in foodgrains allocation to any State/UT under NFSA. Allocation gaps if any, are covered with Tide-Over allocation
  • Eldest woman of the beneficiary household (18 years or above) is considered as 'Head of Family' for the purpose of issuing ration cards.
  • Grievance redressal mechanism, through State Food Commissions, DGROs, Vigilance Committees at different levels are provisioned for Women Empowerment.
  • Provisions for disclosure of records relating to PDS operations, placing of beneficiaries' list in public domain/portals, for enhanced transparency
  • Assistance to States/UTs for meeting expenditure on intra-State transportation & handling of foodgrains and FPS Dealers' margin

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Last reviewed and updated on 26 Jul, 2024


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